After much searching and discussing, we are going to Nice for a holiday in April. I am so excited!
We are staying in an appartment.
I have been reading all about it in a lovely blog by Margo Letz called The Curious Rambler. It's really made me even more excited about going. Margo has been very kind and emailed me details of good local restaurants and food shops, which I'm sure will come in handy. Next I need to know what the weather will be like as I haven't got a clue what to wear (typical woman!)
Why wouldn't you want to go here?!
Then, my pastor's wife came to see me yesterday and over coffee I told her about our impending trip and she said she was sure that Kenneth Copeland Ministries have a church out there. So this morning I decided to Google it and sure enough there are two churches. One of them gives you headphones so you can have the service relayed to you in English. So guess where we'll be going Sunday morning?!
The only thing I need to sort out now is my camera, which has refused to upload my photos this morning. The wonders of modern technology!
Back soon
Jane xx
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