But today I just wanted to show you the cutest thing. It is such a thrill to be able to read it, look:
First of all, why is this significant? It's because our surname is Orson. When John was at school and did heraldry as a project, the teacher looked up his surname and the nearest she could come up with in Latin was Ourson, meaning 'bear'. His symbol was 'a bear rampant,' like this
What I love as well is that we called Tessa 'Tessa Bear' so she'd have been Tessa Ourson, which is our surname, so we were more right than we realised!
More of the book, which is very sweet, quirky and funny:
The illustrations are lovely and there are lots of little details for people to notice.
This page says, 'Deux grands yeux jaunes le fixent.
"Qu'est-ce que c'est?" demande Chat.
"C'est mon crayon magique," répond Ourson.
“Alors dessine-moi quelque chose à manger,“ dit Chat.
I think there are some others in the series,, so I'll have to have a look.
À bientôt
Jane xx
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