
A blog about my life and love of all things french. I have decided to write in French as much as possible. If you'd like to correct my mistakes (of which I'm sure there will be many!) please feel free to leave a comment or email me at Merci beaucoup!

Saturday, 1 June 2013

A New Beginning

Well I hardly know where to begin.  My life is going in a different direction and so much is happening to me, I just want to keep a record of it.  All sorts of things will be on here, everything from films I like to art galleries I've been to.
This is how it is.  At the moment I have a horse and I love him, but I'm finding it so tiring going to work, looking after him, doing housework and coursework.  I have a lovely husband and we just want to do some different stuff together before it's too late.
So I have made a difficult decision, and Barnaby is for sale.  Really it's all changed so much since John's horse died in September.  It's just not the same, somehow.  The difficulty is, I haven't stopped loving Barnaby.  He is 16 and still full of life.  He deserves someone who can be devoted to him.  I've told my friends on facebook and the people at the yard, so now I have to draw up an advert. 
We live near Nottingham, and I work in a care home.  You'll probably be hearing lots about my job (the bits I'm allowed to tell you, anyway!)  It takes up a lot of my life.
We are going to Paris in a few weeks.  I am so not excited about this.  I am taking it completely in my stride.  Yes I am.
The fact is, because we've always had horses, we haven't been abroad for years.  We've had holidays where we've stayed on farms and taken the horses with us (and the dog.  She's bound to feature here somewhere!)
I think this blog is going to provide some therapy, don't you?  I don't mind writing a diary, but I want to keep track of pictures that appeal to me, too.  I love Pinterest, but it doesn't give you much of an opportunity to say why you like the picture, does it?
I do a LOT of cardmaking, which you can see on my blog here.  But I'm starting to, very nervously, spread my wings and get into things like art journaling, and I'd rather show that stuff here (when I'm feeling braver than this!)
So I'd better bung on a picture for today, hadn't I?
I saw this painting on Thursday in a gallery called George Thornton Art.  It's by an artist called Gail Troth.  It was right at the back of the gallery and totally took my breath away.  It looks so like Barnaby.  I decided to take a closer look.  It really is a stunning piece, so I did the thing you do and asked how much it was.  It turns out it's a mere £999!  Good grief.  I text John and asked if I could have it.  I won't publish what his reply was!
Hopefully I'll be back soon.
Jane xx

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